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Use the Easy Stopwatch & Timer through Google Homepage on Chrome Browser

There are varieties of features which one can do through the google hompage, and today i will be discusing on how you can you the Google stop watch. Well, Google lets us do this either through the address bar in Chrome or by opening the homepage itself and using its search box. So just read through this article.

Using Google to Set a Timer

As we all know timer lets you measure your performance, and by using the timer it let you forcing your self to improve a the activity your on.
You can do this by
> First Open your Crhrome browser
> Type in the word “Set a timer” in Chrome’ address bar or the Google search box.
Once you hit enter, you will see a timer with Start and Reset options. Choose the duration you want and click on Start. And you will see it count down, toggle between the Stop and Reset buttons as per the duration.

As seen in below screenshot..

Setting a Stopwatch on Google

As we all know stopwatch is basically used in measuring the duration of any process is a good way to improve productivity.
As the age of physical devices is slipping away, fewer stopwatches are in use although stop watch is been intergrated into our mobile phone but still I will show you how to use this feature on Google Chrome, Google offers such services if you’re someone who works mostly on PC. You can follow these simple steps to start a stopwatch within Google.

This is just similar process as explained above on setting up Timer,
So, just type “Start a stopwatch,” either in the address bar or in the Google search box. Let it run for as long as you want. Tap on the buttons Start, Stop and Reset as per your requirement.
See below screenshot..
These services are only available as long as there’s an internet connection, they don’t work offline.
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