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Set your Facebook Account to Automatically Delete Itself when you Die

While it is hard to digest, death is inevitable in one's life and has to face it one or the other day. These days most of the people come across the Internet and mostly social media including Facebook.

The Facebook platform has options which allow a deceased person’s Facebook profile to be memorialized. Meanwhile, a person can also select a legacy contact, where you can pick the person who will become your nominated legacy contact.

They will be able to update your header and profile pictures, accept friend requests, and 'pin’ a post on your profile. Moreover, you can create a message that is sent to your legacy contact, informing them that you’ve granted them access to your account upon death.
However, they can't do much including sending a message or something. In order to delete your account, follow the below the steps:
Step 1: Sign-in to your Facebook account.
Step 2: Click Settings in the drop-down menu and head on to security option
Step 3: Click Legacy Contact.
Step 4: Now request for account deletion.
Step 5: Once done click on Delete After Death.
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